Browsing CategoryReviews

Rodrigo Tamay: Sonic Plants

Sonic Plants | Rodrigo Tamay ARTIST: Rodrigo Tamay WEB: Mundo Tamay WORK: Sonic Plants PLUS: Cassette FORMAT: Cassette, Digital LABEL: Adaptador Records, Bandcamp RELEASE: July, 2020 COWNTRY: Argentina

Pots & Pans

Catriel Nievas, Juan Manuel Patricio | Ollas Como Urnas ARTIST: Juan Manuel Patricio, Catriel Nievas WEB:  1049 Records WORK: Pots as Urns (Ollas como Urnas) PLUS: No FORMAT: Digital LABEL:  1049 Records RELEASE: June, 2020…

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Shaun: The Sound of NOISE

Shaun Robert | radio the art of ARTIST: Shaun Robert WEB:  shaun-robert WORK:  Radio the Art of PLUS: No FORMAT: Digital LABEL: Bandcamp RELEASE: Septiembre, 2014 COWNTRY:  Bath, UK.

Ivonne van Cleef: Contract Outlaw

Ivonne van Cleef | The Rustler (El Cuatrero) ARTIST: Ivonne van Cleef WEB: Bandcamp WORK: The Rustler (El Cuatrero) PLUS: CDr Limited Edition (15 copias) numeradas, artesanales. FORMAT: Digital LABEL: The Eagle Stone Collective RELEASE:…

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